List of Companies in Pemba, Zambia
Searching for businesses in Pemba? Explore a directory of 22 companies located in Pemba, Zambia. Top companies in Zambia, businesses near me.
We found 22 companies
Yewale Amruttulaya
Flat No 101 , 1st floor silver point 20/1, katraj-kondhwa road,kondhwa , Pune 411046, Pemba
They say, if you conquer Pune, you can conquer the world. ' Yewale Chaha' has won Pune's heart and now we are set to win over not only Maharashtra, but entire India, and the World. It is our dream to serve Yewale Chaha not only in Darjeeling but at the each an...
Verified+3 Years with us
Jembo Secondary School
Private Bag 2 Pemba, Southern Province, Pemba
Jembo Secondary School is a public secondary school, this institution is owned by the Pilgrim Wesleyan Church. Located in Pemba (Southern-ZM), this institution is classified as a rural education institution.