List of Companies in Mkushi, Zambia

Searching for businesses in Mkushi? Explore a directory of 111 companies located in Mkushi, Zambia. Top companies in Zambia, businesses near me.
We found 111 companies

Chimula Transport

731 Medium Extension, off Independence Avenue, Mkushi, Mkushi
About Us: Chimula Transport first came on the transport and logistics scene in 2010 when Mr. Friday Simpaznye popularly known as Chimula established it. The company started off with one truck, serving...
 Verified+4  Years with us

Nchinki Digital Printers and Suppliers

Plot No. 542, Shop No. 9, Adjacent to Choppies, Independence Avenue, Mkushi
Specialised in digital printing technologies and graphics. Nchinki also deals in general supply. Our aim is to be a pillar and a margin within DigiPrint across all products and services. We also suppl...


128 Eagle St, c/belt Province, Mkushi

Twala Farming

Farm 3364, Brodawel Farm, Farm Block, Mkushi, Zambia, Mkushi
Twala Farming is a commercial farming operation and compost supplier committed to regenerative agriculture practices.

Great North Co

Great North Road, Mkushi River, Mkushi

A T B Lodge

Farm No 3352, P.O.Box 840197, Mkushi
111 companies