List of Companies in Chinsali, Zambia
Searching for businesses in Chinsali? Explore a directory of 92 companies located in Chinsali, Zambia. Top companies in Zambia, businesses near me.
We found 92 companies
Suzhou Huilide Machine Co Ltd
No. 555,Beiling Rd.,Beiqiao,Xiangcheng,Suzhou,China, Chinsali
Suzhou Huilide Machine Co., Ltd. is a leading designer and manufacturer of parts handling and material handling techniques. The company has wealth of knowledge in component feeding automation and material handling system. We offer vibratory bowl feeders,centri...
Verified+13 Years with us
34267,Petauke, Chinsali
Bingo is a Zambian based company, we offer goods from Clothes to vehicles
Verified+12 Years with us