List of Companies in Chililabombwe, Zambia
Searching for businesses in Chililabombwe? Explore a directory of 38 companies located in Chililabombwe, Zambia. Top companies in Zambia, businesses near me.
We found 38 companies
iSampo Web Business Limited
Mine Area, Chiliabombwe, Chililabombwe
iSampo prides itself to be one of Zambia’s fast growing online market place where you can buy, sell and swap products in a secure manner. We are the most innovative ecommerce website in Zambia and rea...
Verified+4 Years with us
1GEPEA University
W Section, Lubengele, Chililabombwe Province, Copperbelt, Post Box: W 547, Zambia. , Chililabombwe
P31, Chililabombwe
On iSampo, you can buy, sell or swap almost about anything including phones, laptops etc. Join Zambia's fast growing online community now
Verified+5 Years with us