• Zambia
  • These reviews say it better

These reviews say it better

Company owners listed on ZambiaYP frequently share positive feedback about the site's effectiveness in driving traffic and increasing sales.
Zambiayp is the best business directory in zambia, I'm happy that even if you list your company for free it will be discovered on good or any search engine, good rating and SEO. Looking forward to seeing Yamfumu Designs being discovered more with zambiayp. Danny Mulyansalu Founder- Yamfumu Designs
Amazing platform and user interface for business publication but feel there is still room for great improvement
Zambia yp, your work is great! It's clear that you care about companies. I especially liked that you asked the client about their design preferences before creating their website/list, and I'm excited to see what you do next. Keep up with your good work.
Zambiayp makes business listing a lot whole easier and helps get broader visibility online even if the business entity has no online platforms
Very nice platform. Helps me locate and find supplies from all over the world. Hope it will contribute to the growth of our company. Will wait and see.
Our objective is to help the Zambian farmers by improving their products and finding market for them. We feel this platform will help us to create such linkages.
Excellent media for B2B
I think and believe it's a good platform to be as I saw our profile pop up Yahoo soon after registration. Unfortunately, l have not seen any movement on our website because the website is a tourism site and given the convid 19.
Dear Team, ZambiaYP has already provided a lot of exposure for Asenga Executive Lodge even though I only listed (for free) barely a month ago. It's a great platform for businesses and service providers to get their names out there and reminds me of Craigslist but in a much more organised and user friendly format.
a great place to advertise a bussiness.. thank you soo much
Wonderful directory service that I would suggest more Business get on board to see the results Zambian YP provides.
The services offered on the Website are the best as from my experience so far
Am new,but I would like to see results in this platform,that's why most people don't take things serious in our country because such platforms should save as an opportunity especially for small businesses like mine, am watching and waiting for more from you
Really great business platform.
We have seen some good insights which can benefit our business. its a good platform for a startup like ours and we hope to get more out of being part of this platform. We hope to upgrade in the near future and get more out of the promised benefits.
Well I'm quite new here and what I can say right now is so far so good. It looks pretty awesome and I'm excited to be on this platform - can't wait to see what else you have to offer!
Hello, There, we registered with ZambiaYP about a month ago; it was a free subscription and it would understood why we have not had much traffic yet. We have only had 1 client coming through to us from this platform. we hope to see a little traffic and we shall then try to have a paid up subscription to boost our chances at being seen by visitors to the site. Kind Regards Evans.
Very happy with the service, straightforward registration. Much appreciated.
“We started receiving inquiries the very first day we listed our company; PatWest Technologies Ltd, onto the ZambiaYP. Advertising on this platform is advantageous in that each advert is highly targeted at people ready to buy. We placed our company under specific categories or headings in which our potential customers check regularly - and the result is incredible”. Patrick Mukosha – CEO
So far so good, I will be giving feedback and review as time goes on
Excellent Work!
We thank Zambia yp for creating this website, It is now easier to advertise our business online.We love it and will continue being with it.
This is great it will market our company well
So far so good i have received two people that reached me through this platform and i expect more as time goes by. so far i would say it a great website
this website is very helpful within a day a started receiving phone call from customers. keep up the good work and the website
34 results