Questions & Answers for Citibank Zambia Limited - Lusaka

Here you will find questions & answers for Citibank Zambia Limited. All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or ZambiaYP users.
What is needed for me to receive money from different continent using you bank?
I am an entrepreneur in Zambia. I am enquiring as to whether you accept SBLC from OWB via digital bank secure email. Do you provide credit line using OWB SBLC as security?
Do a accept SBLC on digital secure email from USA to Zambia?
Do Citibank deal with cryptocurrency? And how can I open an account with it?
Where are you really located in Lusaka
How do I go about invoice discounting?I already started the process of registration by submitting my particulars.My client (zambia sugar plc) tells me to log in
Am asking where your offices are.
Please forward e-mail adress for MD OR any contact e-mail id?

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