Cambridge IGCSE, Cambridge A/AS Levels, preschool

Cambridge IGCSE, Cambridge A/AS Levels, preschool
About the product
Lusaka Oaktree School is The leading Cambridge schools in Lusaka. A Full Spectrum Cambridge International School focus on Cambridge A/AS Levels, Cambridge IGCSE, Cambridge Lower Secondary, Cambridge Primary, and Preschool. Lusaka Oaktree School (LOTS) equip children with 21st Century skills that will enable them to be future-ready. At Lots, we follow the holistic education concept—a philosophy of educating the whole person, beyond core academics.

At Lusaka, Oaktree School (LOTS) is the Best international schools in Zambia. we follow a progressive education that focuses on the student's physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, and social growth. We encourage students' imagination and intuition while emphasising both academic and non-academic education.
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