Deluxe Roll Up Banner

Deluxe Roll Up Banner
About the product
The Roll Up Deluxe is a modern, compact and convenient display for trade shows, display rooms, or any situation that requires a banner stand that doesn't take up much floor space. Compared to the Roll Up Standard, the Deluxe series is more suited for changing prints. The visual differences between the Roll Up Deluxe and the Roll Up Standard banner stands include chrome end caps and a wider-set base. Due to that design, no fold-out feet are necessary for the Deluxe version of the Roll Up.

Roll Up display setup requires only pulling the print up (like a window shade). The adjustable support pole lets you set the height of the banner at the level you want. Once you are ready to disassemble, remove the pole, let the spring-loaded base retract the print, and then store it away in its included carrying case for transportation.

Five different banner stand widths are also available so you can choose your display to fit your plan. Aluminum finished Display Lights are available for the Roll Up and feature a flexible neck for angle adjustments. The light clips to the adjustable pole and wiring disappears behind the banner. The print will come installed on the hardware upon delivery, so you can use display right away.
ZMK1 400.00
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