Quality Management Training

Quality Management Training
About the product
QMS Training
Almost every employer has this concern: “What happens if we spend money training our people and then they leave?” But what happens if you don’t and they stay? When it comes to quality management systems, effective training is the cornerstone of successful implementation and maintenance of the system. People can’t implement what they don’t know!

At Qualicademy, we believe that training should be tailored to the exact needs of our clients. We are therefore constantly updating our material to keep abreast with new ISO requirements, best practices and objectives of the client laboratory. By this, we get rid of the common, rehearsed classware that many laboratories are subjected to.

ISO 15189 principles (Medical Laboratories – requirements for quality and competence) underpin all our quality management system trainings. Our courses are carefully crafted to help laboratories interpret and apply the requirements of ISO 15189, enabling them to establish, implement and maintain effective and efficient quality management systems.

Our trainings are delivered through class room settings, case studies, group discussions, and simulations of real world experiences which participants can readily identify with. We especially emphasize group discussions focused on problem-solving for long-term retention of knowledge and mastery of skills required to build enduring quality management systems.

We offer four major courses namely:

Laboratory Quality Management Systems (LQMS);
Internal Auditing;
Statistical quality control;
Method validation/verification
Laboratory document development
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